Salt, Improved.

Whatever you cook, you’ll like it better with Super Salt. Sprinkle it on or add it while cooking to add a warm, satisfying, umami saltiness that makes food better. Use in place of regular salt.

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High Church of Umami

In the early 20th century, Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda isolated monosodium glutamate (MSG), and quickly identified the flavor as the fifth taste. He chose an appropriate name: umami, which means delicious or essence of taste. We created Super Salt to bring you a concentrated version of Ikeda's vision: a flavor described as deeply delicious, hearty, and warm.

Cooking with Super Salt

Super Salt Recipes

Super Salt can be used anywhere you use salt, but some of the best uses are to make everyday staples like chicken or beef pack more satisfying flavor.

Favorite Uses of Super Salt

Natural Sources of MSG

MSG occurs naturally in many favorite foods, including soy sauce, shiitake mushrooms, parmesan cheese, tomatoes, cured ham, mushrooms, walnuts, and anchovy paste.


Soy Sauce

Soy Sauce is used in many Asian dishes, traditionally made from a soybean fermentation. Its flavor profile is predominantly salty, with a moderate umami and a slight sweetness.



Edible mushrooms, especially dried shiitake mushrooms, are a good source of umami flavor. Mushrooms are frequently used to add depth of flavor to other dishes, because they contain so much naturally occuring MSG.



Many cheeses, especially Parmigiano-Reggiano, contain some high levels of glutamate responsible for their umami flavor. If you like Parmesan cheese, imagine being able to punch up other dishes without the added calories.


Dried Tomatoes

One of the main New World flavors, tomatoes are used in dishes from every culture. Dried tomatoes are especially high in glutamate - the meaty flavor that makes them so satisfying to add to salads. With Super Salt, you can add this flavor directly.

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Umami and the Five Basic Tastes

Umami is one of the 5 basic tastes, best described as the savory flavor characteristic of cooked meats and broths. It also commonly occurs, and is one of the main flavors in parmesan cheese, dried shiitake mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, and many of your other favorite foods. Learn about umami and how to enhance it.

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