Request Super Salt Sample

Super salt is a mix of Himalayan Sea Salt, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and small amounts of sodium inosinate and sodium glutamate -- both flavor enhancers used in small proportions. (90% salt, 10% other stuff). It adds a deep umami flavor to whatever you would normally salt.
While MSG has been shown to be safe for use in the general population, there have been reports of people having allergic reactions to it. Please use this sample responsibly - do not give it to someone who is unaware of its use, as it may cause adverse reactions like a headache or dry mouth in people with sensitivity. Use at your own risk, I take no liability for any adverse reaction.
Please add your name and address below. I will also reach out with more information about suggested recipes, other usage, and, of course, more safety information to convince your spouse that this is totally safe and will not cause your children to gain telekinetic powers.